Today In History
5 Fun Facts About February 16 In Alaska History
1. In 1916, the Alaska Territorial Legislature authorized the establishment of the Alaska Agricultural College and School of Mines, now known as the University of Alaska Fairbanks. 2. In 1988, the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race started from Willow, Alaska, with 76 mushers competing in the 1,049-mile race to Nome....
5 Fun Facts About February 15 In Alaska History
1. In 1968, the largest earthquake ever recorded in North America hit Alaska. The magnitude 8.6 earthquake was centered off the coast of Kodiak Island and caused massive damage across the state. 2. On February 15, 1984, Alaska Governor Bill Sheffield signed the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, officially settling...
5 Fun Facts About February 13 In Alaska History
1. On February 13, 1958, the United States Air Force established the Alaska Air Command. The command was responsible for the air defense of the Alaska territory during the Cold War. 2. In 1968, February 13 was deemed Alaska Statehood Day, commemorating the day in 1959 when Alaska became the...
5 Fun Facts About February 12 In Alaska History
1. In 1916, the United States Congress officially named Alaska's Mount McKinley as the highest peak in North America, measuring at 20,320 feet. However, in 2015, the name was officially changed back to Denali, the name given to the mountain by Alaska Natives. 2. On February 12, 1935, the Territory...
5 Fun Facts About February 11 In Alaska History
Here are 5 interesting facts about February 11 in Alaska history: 1. In 1929, the deadliest earthquake in Alaskan history occurred on February 11, with a magnitude of 7.8. The quake caused severe damage to the Alaska Railroad and resulted in several deaths. 2. In 1972, the Alaska Native Claims...
5 Fun Facts About February 10 In Alaska History
1. On February 10, 1934, the Alaska Territorial Legislature passed a law establishing the University of Alaska in Fairbanks. This institution would go on to become the flagship campus of the University of Alaska system. 2. In 1940, on February 10, the Alaska Game Commission was established to oversee the...
5 Fun Facts About February 9 In Alaska History
1. In 1917, the Alaska Native Brotherhood was founded in Sitka, becoming the oldest and largest Alaska Native organization in the state. The organization was established to promote and protect the civil rights of Alaska Native people. 2. On February 9, 1969, the first section of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline was...
5 Fun Facts About February 8 In Alaska History
1. The Alaskan Native Brotherhood was founded on February 8, 1912. The organization was formed to advocate for the rights and interests of Alaska Natives, who had been disenfranchised by colonial policies and exploitation. 2. On February 8, 1925, an outbreak of diphtheria was reported in Nome, Alaska. The disease...
5 Fun Facts About February 7 In Alaska History
1. In 1916, the Alaska Packers' Association (APA) was incorporated on February 7, becoming one of the largest fishing companies in the world. The APA played a significant role in the development of the seafood industry in Alaska, including the establishment of many canneries and processing plants throughout the state....
5 Fun Facts About February 6 In Alaska History
1. In 1915, a severe 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck Alaska and caused significant damage in Anchorage and Valdez. This earthquake, known as the Shoup Bay earthquake, was one of the largest in Alaska's history at the time. 2. On February 6, 1925, a diphtheria outbreak hit the small town of...
5 Fun Facts About February 5 In Alaska History
1. In 1930, a devastating earthquake with a magnitude of 8.4 hit the Aleutian Islands off the coast of Alaska. This earthquake is still considered one of the most powerful to hit North America and caused widespread damage and tsunami waves across the region. 2. February 5, 1942 marked the...
5 Fun Facts About February 4 In Alaska History
1. In 1944, a magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck south central Alaska, causing significant damage to the city of Anchorage. The earthquake, which occurred at 10:53 am local time, was one of the largest to ever hit the area. 2. On February 4, 1936, the famous Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race...