Today In History
5 Fun Facts About October 29 In Delaware History
1. Delaware became the first state to ratify the U.S. Constitution on October 29, 1787. 2. On October 29, 1956, the Christina River in Wilmington, Delaware, flooded due to heavy rainfall, causing widespread damage and several deaths. 3. The University of Delaware was founded on October 29, 1743, making it...
5 Fun Facts About October 24 In Delaware History
1. In 1682, William Penn arrived at New Castle, Delaware, marking the beginning of his colonization of Pennsylvania. 2. On October 24, 1878, the first telephone exchange in Delaware was established in Wilmington by the Diamond State Telephone Company. 3. The Delaware Memorial Bridge, connecting Delaware to New Jersey, was...
5 Fun Facts About October 22 In Delaware History
1. In 1765, Delaware's Stamp Act Congress was held in New Castle, where representatives from all thirteen colonies gathered to protest the British Parliament's attempts to tax them without their consent. 2. On October 22, 1815, the Delaware House of Representatives voted to approve an amendment to the state constitution...
5 Fun Facts About October 21 In Delaware History
1. On October 21, 1682, William Penn received a deed for "the Three Lower Counties" of Delaware from the Duke of York, marking the beginning of Delaware's colonial period as a part of Pennsylvania. 2. In 1804, the USS Constitution, also known as "Old Ironsides," anchored off Delaware's Cape Henlopen...
5 Fun Facts About October 20 In Delaware History
1. The University of Delaware was founded on October 20, 1743. Originally known as the Academy of Newark, it was the first institution of higher learning in the state of Delaware. 2. On October 20, 1783, a group of Delaware delegates gathered in New York City to sign the Treaty...
5 Fun Facts About October 18 In Delaware History
1. In 1682, William Penn arrived in New Castle, Delaware for the first time. He was greeted with a welcoming ceremony and met with the local leaders. 2. In 1777, British forces landed near Lewes, Delaware and began a raiding mission. They burned several buildings and captured supplies before quickly...
5 Fun Facts About October 17 In Delaware History
1. On October 17, 1777, the Battle of Saratoga ended with a decisive American victory, which played a crucial role in boosting morale for the Continental Army and securing support from France in the Revolutionary War. 2. In 1828, the first steam railway in Delaware was completed between the seaside...
5 Fun Facts About October 16 In Delaware History
1. On October 16, 1914, the Wilmington and Northern Railroad officially opened a new electrified line connecting Wilmington to Reading, Pennsylvania, providing greater connection between the two regions and boosting commerce and travel. 2. In 1959, on October 16, the artist Andrew Wyeth's painting "Christina's World" was exhibited at the...
5 Fun Facts About October 14 In Delaware History
1. In 1638, a group of Swedish colonists arrived in the region now known as Wilmington, Delaware. They founded the colony of New Sweden, which was the first European settlement in the Delaware Valley. 2. On October 14, 1777, the Battle of Germantown was fought in Pennsylvania during the American...
5 Fun Facts About October 8 In Delaware History
1. The first recorded land grant in Delaware was issued on October 8, 1640, to Dutch colonist Pieter Cornelisz Plockhoy. The land grant was for a parcel of land near the present-day town of Lewes. 2. On October 8, 1777, British forces under General William Howe captured the city of...
5 Fun Facts About October 7 In Delaware History
1. On October 7, 1914, the Wilmington race riot, also known as the Wilmington Insurrection, occurred. It was a violent conflict between white supremacists and black residents in Wilmington, Delaware, resulting in at least 30 deaths and the overthrow of the elected biracial government. 2. In 1777, Revolutionary War soldiers...
5 Fun Facts About October 5 In Delaware History
1. On October 5, 1789, President George Washington visited Wilmington, Delaware as part of his tour of the new nation. While there, he stayed at the Golden Fleece Tavern and attended a ball in his honor. 2. The Dover International Speedway hosted its first NASCAR race on October 5, 1969....