Today In History
5 Fun Facts About February 12 In Delaware History
1. In 1801, Delaware's first post office was established in Wilmington on February 12th. 2. In 1835, Delaware became the first state to abolish slavery by revising its state constitution on February 12th. 3. Delaware's first governor, John McKinly, was born on February 12th, 1721. 4. In 1865, Delaware abolished...
5 Fun Facts About February 11 In Delaware History
1. On February 11, 1749, the Town of Wilmington was officially incorporated as a city by the colonial government of Delaware. Today, Wilmington remains the largest city in Delaware and a hub of commerce and culture in the state. 2. In 1811, the DuPont Company, one of the most famous...
5 Fun Facts About February 10 In Delaware History
1. In 1777, during the American Revolution, British troops raided the town of Lewes, Delaware. The British burned several buildings and captured weapons and supplies before retreating. 2. In 1909, the first African-American to serve in the U.S. Senate, Hiram Rhodes Revels, was honored in a ceremony at the Delaware...
5 Fun Facts About February 8 In Delaware History
February 8 is an important day in Delaware history, with several significant events taking place on this day. Here are five interesting facts about February 8 in Delaware history: 1. Delaware became the first state to ratify the U.S. Constitution on February 8, 1788. Delaware was the first state to...
5 Fun Facts About February 6 In Delaware History
1. In 1787, Delaware became the first state to ratify the United States Constitution, making February 6 a significant day in the state's history. Delaware's ratification set the stage for the other states to follow suit, ultimately resulting in the creation of the modern United States government. 2. On February...
5 Fun Facts About February 5 In Delaware History
1. On February 5, 1783, future U.S. president John Quincy Adams was awarded his bachelor's degree from Harvard College. Adams would later serve as the sixth president of the United States from 1825 to 1829. 2. In 1903, Delaware became the first state to ratify the 17th Amendment to the...
5 Fun Facts About February 4 In Delaware History
1. In 1631, the first permanent European settlement in Delaware was established by the Dutch on the present site of Lewes. This occurred on February 4, marking an important date in the history of Delaware. 2. On February 4, 1776, Delaware became the first state to ratify the U.S. Constitution,...
5 Fun Facts About February 3 In Delaware History
1. Delaware became the first state to ratify the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution on February 3, 1865. The amendment abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime. 2. The Delaware Art Museum opened its doors for the first time on February 3, 1938. The museum...
5 Fun Facts About February 2 In Delaware History
1. Groundhog Day: February 2 is known as Groundhog Day, a cultural holiday where people in Delaware gather to watch Punxsutawney Phil predict the coming of spring. This tradition has been carried out in the state for over a century with celebrations at various locations including the Brandywine Zoo and...
5 Fun Facts About February 1 In Delaware History
1. In 1865, Delaware ratified the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution, which abolished slavery and involuntary servitude. 2. On February 1, 1913, the city of Wilmington opened its first public library, which was located on 10th and Market streets. Today, the Wilmington Public Library system serves over 70,000...
5 Fun Facts About January 31 In Delaware History
1. Delaware became the first state to ratify the 13th Amendment on January 31, 1865. This amendment abolished slavery and involuntary servitude in the United States. 2. On January 31, 1932, the DuPont Company introduced a new synthetic material called "nylon" at a trade show in New York. Nylon would...
5 Fun Facts About January 30 In Delaware History
1. Delaware Becomes the First State to Ratify the Thirteenth Amendment On January 30, 1865, Delaware became the first state in the Union to ratify the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which abolished slavery and involuntary servitude. 2. The Delaware Memorial Bridge Opens On January 30, 1951, the...