Today In History
5 Fun Facts About April 29 In Virginia History
1. On April 29, 1781, the Battle of Hobkirk's Hill took place in Camden, South Carolina. Although this battle was fought just outside of Virginia, it was significant for the state's history as many Virginian soldiers participated in this Continental Army victory over the British. 2. In 1847, the Virginia...
5 Fun Facts About April 28 In Virginia History
1. On April 28, 1864, Union forces led by General Franz Sigel were defeated by Confederate forces at the Battle of New Market in Shenandoah County. Interestingly, the Confederate forces included several hundred teenage cadets from the Virginia Military Institute who were hastily called into action by General John C....
5 Fun Facts About April 27 In Virginia History
1. In 1861, Virginia officially seceded from the Union on April 27, becoming an independent state until joining the Confederacy a month later. 2. On April 27, 1927, the town of Blackey, Virginia was devastated by a flood that killed 89 people and caused significant damage to homes and businesses...
5 Fun Facts About April 26 In Virginia History
1. On April 26, 1607, English explorer Captain John Smith planted a cross at Cape Henry, Virginia, claiming the land for the British crown and establishing the first permanent English settlement in North America. 2. In 1865, on April 26, Union cavalry under the command of General George Stoneman raided...
5 Fun Facts About April 25 In Virginia History
1. In 1607, the Virginia Company of London landed their first expedition in what is now Virginia. This group established the first permanent English settlement in North America. 2. In 1781, during the American Revolution, General George Washington and French General Rochambeau met in Virginia to plan the siege of...
5 Fun Facts About April 24 In Virginia History
1. In 1800, Virginia's capital city was officially moved from Williamsburg to Richmond. This decision was made in part due to Richmond's location on the James River, which allowed for easier transportation and communication throughout the state. 2. On April 24, 1862, the Battle of McDowell took place in Highland...
5 Fun Facts About April 23 In Virginia History
1. In 1619, the Virginia House of Burgesses met for the first time in Jamestown. This was the first representative assembly of elected officials in North America, and it laid the groundwork for democracy in the United States. 2. In 1775, Patrick Henry delivered his famous "Give me liberty or...
5 Fun Facts About April 22 In Virginia History
1. In 1861, the first Virginia State Convention passed the ordinance of secession, which declared Virginia's secession from the United States. Virginia became part of the Confederacy during the American Civil War. 2. In 1889, the Virginia Historical Society was founded in Richmond. The society is dedicated to preserving and...
5 Fun Facts About April 21 In Virginia History
1) On April 21, 1781, the Battle of Petersburg took place during the Revolutionary War. General William Phillips led British troops against Continental Army troops led by General Peter Muhlenberg. Despite being outnumbered, the Continental Army was able to repel the British attack. 2) On April 21, 1831, Nat Turner...
5 Fun Facts About April 20 In Virginia History
1. In 1861, Virginia seceded from the United States on April 17, but it wasn't until April 20 that Confederate forces took control of the important naval base at Norfolk. 2. In 1777, Virginia's General Assembly passed a resolution calling for the establishment of public schools. This event was a...
5 Fun Facts About April 19 In Virginia History
1. The Battle of Lexington occurred on April 19, 1775, which marked the start of the American Revolutionary War. Virginia militia troops, led by Captain Isaac Davis, were among the first to engage British troops in the battle. 2. On April 19, 1861, the Virginia Convention voted to secede from...
5 Fun Facts About April 18 In Virginia History
As an AI language model, I cannot vouch for the accuracy or completeness of the information presented. However, here are five potentially interesting facts about April 18 in Virginia history: 1. In 1775, Paul Revere made his famous ride from Boston to Lexington and Concord to warn of approaching British...