TFD Supplies Teacher Of The Week #1
Vote Now For Your Favorite Below!!!! The winner gets a $250 gift certificate.
Entry 1: Connie Michael. Crow Agency Public School.
Connie Michael works at Crow Agency Public School on the Crow Reservation in Montana. She is a 5th grade teacher and has had the opportunity to work with a program called the Walking Classroom. The Walking classroom has MP3 players loaded with podcasts that support all areas of the curriculum while the students walk together. The students average about a mile of walking per podcast. The school is a title 1 school so having the opportunity to listen to information which may be at a higher level than they are capable of reading has exposed students to vocabulary and content material that otherwise would be difficult to use. In order to successfully use the walking classroom the students need to have earbuds to attach to the MP3 player. Currently we are using old foam headphones that are broken and in many cases only one side works. We have been making the best of the situation this year and have seen amazing growth in our test scores with vocabulary and comprehension. I would be so thankful to be able to provide my students with new earbuds to make our walking classroom more enjoyable.