
Create More Space by Laura McDonnell
Discovering Ways to Empower and Connect in the Classroom What is the best way to set up your classroom? What is the best use of space in the classroom? And, how can we continue creating spaces for students to thrive? Because each teacher is different, each makeup of students is...

Remembering What it is Like to be a Student by Laura Mcdonell
Listen How learning how to play chess made me a better teacher. There is No Limit to What We Can Learn. I choose to believe in a growth mindset and have confidence that I can learn almost anything. Learning does not come without challenges, and there are times when...

Education Podcasts, Part 2: What We Have Learned from Them
Listen We wanted to share some of what we have learned recently from the education podcasts we have been listening to. Principal Center Radio Douglas Fisher - The Distance Learning Playbook (Jul 31) Douglas Fisher’s has some great, practical tips on distance learning! He suggests that teachers should integrate synchronous...

Teachers as Facilitators
Listen Recently in a conversation with colleagues, one of our writers overheard a seasoned educator say, “Children can’t learn on their own. It’s obvious! Otherwise, there would be no need for teachers.” And there was a time - fairly recently, even - when that was true. However, now any child...

12(ish) Great Games for Math Learning in Grades K-2
Listen We love using games to reinforce learning skills! We went through our cabinets and lockers and pulled out some of our favorites for games that help kindergartners, first graders, and second graders with numeracy, addition, subtraction, and even money. So without further ado, here are a few of our...

Resource Roundup for Paraprofessionals
Listen Read Support staff members (a.k.a. Paraprofessionals, Paraeducators, Teaching Assistants, etc…) are some of the most underutilized members of the education community. There are a few reasons for this, possibly the most critical being the lack of training offered to assist them in increasing their effectiveness. In some states, paraprofessionals...

Don't Forget About Vocational and Trade Schools
Listen Traditional academic education is presumed to be elementary, high school and college with post graduate for professional careers in medicine and law. For many years the most overlooked educational curricula was viewed as "an option" for hands on careers in HVAC, plumbing, electrical, cosmetology, hair styling and culinary arts....

Most Valuable Professional Development For Teachers
Listen Participating in professional development is of incredible importance for teachers. The field of education sees advancements and changes on a regular basis, and teachers want to know how to best serve their students. The type of professional development to pursue can certainly depend upon many factors, such as the...

TFD Unlimited Award Winner 2019 - Devin Jankowski
Listen Watch Tyler Douthitt sits down and talks with Devin Jankowski of Swansea, IL. Devin is the winner of this year's TFD Unlimited Award. This award is given out each year to a local high school senior which shows excellence in entrepreneurship. Devin has started a growing lumber delivery business. ...

Education in the Colonies
--From our Friends at Wikipedia-- Listen The first American schools in the thirteen original colonies opened in the 17th century. Boston Latin School was founded in 1635 and is both the first public school and oldest existing school in the United States. The first free taxpayer-supported public school in North...

The Importance of the Soft Skills in Education
In today’s digital marketplace, hiring individuals with soft skills is an important consideration. This is especially true for customer service industries.But, what about education? Even more than for-profit service companies, teachers and educators need to have excellent soft skills for dealing with students, parents, administration and peers. While teaching credentials are a must,...

College Is More Important Than Ever
The expression "knowledge is power" rings true in many ways. Knowledge is important to companies and employees alike as it provides a sense of security. In the 21st century, where machines replace humans and simple labor is outsourced to other countries, the remaining jobs on the market require a bit...