
2019 Changes In Education
Listen Education is an ever-evolving industry. Changing families, changes in society, and even our political climate have the potential to impact what is happening in and around the classroom. Industry insiders predict that there will be several significant changes to education in the coming year....from school lunches to the way...

TFD Talks Education #4 - No More Valedictorians with Steve Verhoff
Listen Watch We talk with Principal Steve Verhoff about why removing the valedictorian slot from Tippecanoe High School was the right choice for his school.

Dealing With a Challenging Child
As educators, it is inevitable that we will encounter challenging students throughout the course of our careers. While there are no sure-fire strategies to handle these students, there are some classroom management techniques that can help minimize disruptive behavior in the classroom and address it effectively when it does happen.Remain...

How Hard Should Kids be Pushed in Curriculum
Sometimes, teachers are not clear on how hard to “push” students in the curriculum. Really, that is not the right question to ask. “Push” implies force. As educators, we need to help provide all of the scaffolding to help every student achieve and surpass the state standards. We need to...

Pros and Cons of Pass/Fail Grading
A pass-fail grading system is exactly as it is – a student receives either a pass or a fail mark instead of the traditional number or letter grading system. Some educators prefer this grading system since they see it as something advantageous to both the faculty and students, given the...

Top 6 Education Assessment Tools
Teachers need to determine student readiness before beginning lessons. As Tomlinson stated, when students do not have the requisite readiness, teachers need to provide adequate supports and scaffolding that allow students to progress up to learning the state standards. This does not mean “dumbing-down” the curriculum. It means providing scaffolding that supports...

How Politics Impacts Education
Education has been a political issue for ages, but it has been impacted by politics because most people who argue over education as policy are not education experts. People have been brought in to run the department of education even though they have no substantive experience, and there are people...

Why Common Core Doesn't Work
Education is a crucial part of every nation. In the USA it is held with very high regard and all measures put in place to make it better. The common core standards were created to help students for life after high school. That is life in college as well as...