
Reformation: Defining Your Purpose
Listen Have you ever asked a student, “Why are you here?” when they seem to be floundering in school? We want them to find a reason for attending school that is their own, something that will drive them forward when they are worn out or have lost their will to...

Part 2: Reformation: Indoor Learning Environments
Listen In our last article, we discussed how the Ron Clark Academy, Wooranna Park Primary, and Fuji Yochien embrace and have designed environments that are used to fulfill their mission statements and pedagogy. Here are a few more leaders in this area. International School of Hellerup in Copenhagen The International...

Practical Lessons from Innovative Schools
Listen We’ve seen the videos of young teachers rapping multiplication facts in high heels from desktops. We all know about Ron Clark academy and being Slide Certified. There are many ingenious schools and teachers and methods that get tremendous results. How do we take the things we see working in...

Learning From The Education System in Other Countries
The United States could learn from the education system in other countries. Out of 40 other countries we place number 14. This is not acceptable for a country that claims to possess such a quality education system. The top ten educational systems are as follows:1. South Korea2. Japan3. Singapore4. Hong Kong5. Finland6....

Why Doesn't the USA Dominate Test Scores?
Though American higher education is the envy of the rest of the world, U.S. students struggle to compete with other young scholars abroad. American academic accomplishments tend to pale in comparison with the achievements of students from Singapore or Finland. What could be the story behind the lack of aptitude...

Education in the USA vs China
In contemporary society, education may be a critical driving force. Good education has the power to nature both intellect and curiosity. Such education can immediately impact a child’s life the moment he/she steps into a classroom. China currently has the largest population on the planet. The country offers its population...