
If Teachers Get Raises, Where Should The Money Come From?
Listen There is a major push across the U.S. to raise the salaries of educators as the majority of the public has consistently stated so in various polls. Despite the fact the public is concerned about the living standards of teachers and the 40 states suffering through severe teacher shortages,...

Do Teacher Unions Really Help?
A teacher’s union is designed to provide legal protection to teachers and other areas of support. Teachers may sometimes find themselves on the wrong end of the political spectrum. A teacher’s union bridges the gap between the interest of the teachers and conflicting politics. Organizations like a teacher’s union play an...

Voucher Program for Higher Quality Education
Funding for education in 2020 has increased and the increase in money will allow for more freedom to be given to the states to decide how to use the money. The government is offering more money for teacher's to receive customized development. There will also be money allotted to provide teacher's...

Figuring Out How Much To Pay Teachers
Compensation for teachers has become a hot topic across the nation. Over the last few years, a number of school districts were forced to cancel classes as teachers went on strike over how they were compensated. To avoid interruptions to school and learning, it's important that teachers and educators are...

Pros and Cons of Affirmative Action in Schools
In 1961, United States President John F. Kennedy signed Executive Order 10925, which contained the first modern use of the phrase affirmative action. Just four years later, in 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed Executive Order 11246, which added on to the existing affirmative action legislation by adding religion onto Kennedy's original...

Should We Have Guns in Schools?
We should have guns in schools, but we need to talk about who has guns in schools. It is very difficult to talk abou this subject without assuming hat teachers should have guns. The problem is that most teachers do not want to have guns in their classrooms. Because of...