
Why Are Schools Falling Behind?
Watch Listen Read Why Are Schools Falling Behind? A substantial number of high school graduates are entering college unprepared for the academic challenges that lie ahead. This alarming trend, fueled by a range of factors including disparities in educational resources and the fast paced digital era, raises critical questions about...

Breaking Free: The Student Loan Cancellation Debate
Watch Listen Read The nation is divided over whether to relieve the burden of skyrocketing student loan debt. Proponents argue for economic relief and social equity, while critics raise concerns about fiscal responsibility and the education system's future. I'm going to take a dive into the heated arguments on both...

The Truth About Textbooks
Watch Listen Read Back to school season is in full swing, which means students have to deal with the stressful task of purchasing costly textbooks. Especially college students, who have to pay hundreds of dollars per textbook, which raises all sorts of questions. Like why are they so expensive?How much...

The Truth About School Budgets
Watch The Truth About School Budgets Listen Read Why don't we pay teachers more? This is a question we hear almost every single day, and it's a valid one after all. Teachers are important because they guide us in learning and help us develop new skills. They also inspire us...

Physicality Between Students and Teachers
Watch Listen Read If you've been on the internet or watched the news the last couple years, you've probably seen a lot of videos of teachers fighting students. These type of videos raise all kinds of questions, like why are these fights even happening? How often do these fights happen?...

A.I. In The Classroom: Friend Or Foe?
Watch Listen Read ChatGPT, can you write me a thousand word essay on the effects of ChatGPT in the classroom?Is that you just saw? Someone trying to cheat their way into a good grade by using ChatGPT by turning in an assignment that they didn't really do? Just a year...

Are Sports Parents Out Of Control?
Watch Listen Read Are Sports Parents Out Of Control? Come on ump, take those sunglasses off. You've been making shady calls all game.What was that you just saw? A parent being rude and disrespectful towards an umpire? You're probably saying that doesn't really happen, but it does happen. Happens all...

The Great Teacher Exodus
Watch Listen Read That is it. You can take this teacher job and give it to someone else. I don't want it anymore. What was that? You just saw a young teacher quitting his job. That can't be right. Teachers go on and teach until they retire. Uhuh, not anymore....

The Truth About Summers Off For Teachers - A TFD Deep Dive
Watch Teachers are so lucky because they get summers off. I bet you've heard that before, but is that true? I'm going to take a dive into one of the oldest debates against teachers in summer breaks. Listen Read The month is June and the kids are out of school...