
The Lasting Impact of Good Teachers
Listen The hours spent in school everyday expose children to significant and life-changing events. School experiences affect the identity formation of students as well as social and academic abilities, which ultimately influence relationships and career paths. A school climate that is non-academic and non-challenging contributes to a lack of success...

The Lasting Impact of a Bad Teacher
Listen The path of most educators' careers begin with a familiar story. This story is often one involving a particularly kindhearted or helpful teacher who gave their students the tools and lessons needed to flourish. The best teachers inspire students, fill them with hope and confidence, and get them excited...

LGBTQ+ Inclusivity in Education
While there have always been students belonging to the LGBTQ+ community in schools, there has been a movement for inclusivity in education in recent times. This is likely due to the laws that have taken effect recently that has allowed members of this community to have the same equal rights...

Can Teachers Handle Year Round Schooling?
School schedules are changing in many parts of the country. Several districts are finding that their students need a different schedule. Districts are changing from a traditional school calendar to a year-round school calendar. A traditional school schedule operates by having school in session for forty weeks on and twelve...

TFD Talks Education #1 - Empathy and Understanding with Curtis Slater
Listen Watch We talk with Principal Curtis Slater about his upbringing and how it has helped him with empathy and motivating kids by positivity instead of pure punishments. And, positivity in a social media world while grappling with mental health issues in 1/3 of our population.

Are We Raising Entitled Kids?
Almost every up and coming younger generation recalls parents and grandparents bemoaning the ease with which youth live their lives. "In my day..." so begins the lament. The implication is that the budding age group--benefitting from advances in technology and convenience--fails to appreciate how good it has it. Instead, the...

Dealing With a Challenging Child
As educators, it is inevitable that we will encounter challenging students throughout the course of our careers. While there are no sure-fire strategies to handle these students, there are some classroom management techniques that can help minimize disruptive behavior in the classroom and address it effectively when it does happen.Remain...

In an On Demand World is Patience Still Important?
It is human nature to be impatient. After all, we are self-centered creatures that are naturally impatient, unless we are taught differently. In today’s fast-paced, instant gratification society, patience might seem like a thing of the past. The truth, however, is that it is more valuable now than ever before, The...

Challenges Students Today Face
Anyone who says that kids don't have any worries needs to have a long, hard look at reality. Just because young people don't have the same worries as adults doesn't mean that they don't have worries. All kinds of pressure are placed on them, and they're often difficult to juggle....

Effective Anti Bullying Strategies
The most effective bullying prevention strategies As children and youth grow up, there are many things to learn. Relationships and social situations can be some of the most complicated things that people learn when they are young. It is essential that children and young adults learn how to interact with...