
PBIS - How Effective Is It?
Listen PBIS stands for "Positive Behavioral Interactions and Supports." The overarching goal of PBIS as a classroom strategy is to create safer, more positive learning environments for students of all ages and levels. Most importantly, perhaps, PBIS adds "behavior" as a classroom topic like any other. Here, everyone is first...

Another School Year Starts - Advice to a New Teacher
Listen New teachers face unique challenges from connecting with students to developing a work-life balance in a career that seems to follow them home every day. But they also have one of the most important and rewarding jobs on the planet, so those new-teacher-jitters are well worth it in the...

Bureaucracy in the School System
Listen We like to think of education as the one U.S. institution that adamantly supports individualism and free speech. In many ways our schools, public and private, do just that. Administrators and teachers encourage free expression and a personal approach to academic development. State and federal education policies take proactive...

Are Parents Or Staff In Charge At a School?
Liste A school is a place where children learn, and every child should go to school to acquire new knowledge. In most countries, the schools are managed by the school staff. However, in the United States, there are schools where the parents are in charge. In this scenario, all of...

Let's Make Teaching Fun
Listen Teaching should be fun. If you think about it, it has all the elements. You're in a setting that, for several hours a day, lets you talk about a subject that you love. It's astonishing, then, how boring so many classrooms can become. If you want to reach your...

Can a Boring Teacher Be a Good Teacher?
Listen While you may think you are teaching important material to your students, the truth is, when students are bored, their minds begin to wander. And when minds begin to wander, they are not paying attention to what you are talking about. Instead, they begin to put energy into one...

5 Teachers With Incredible Stories
Listen Teachers are among the ranks of the unsung heroes of the world. Around the world teachers wake up day in and day out to go teach a class of students who may be grateful for the education they are being given, or they may not be. Despite this lack...

Is It Better For a Teacher To Be Nice or To Get Results?
Listen If you commonly hear the words You're being too nice or toughen up you might be taking a second look at how you run your classroom. A nice person by nature, you may not want to change how you do things, but something has to change. Your students are...

Most Valuable Professional Development For Principals
Listen Gone are the days when principals were sole decision makers who spent the bulk of their workdays behind closed doors. Governing schools while keeping interaction with teachers, students and parents to a limit is no longer the model for a principal’s success. In today’s demanding educational environments, principals need...

If Teachers Get Raises, Where Should The Money Come From?
Listen There is a major push across the U.S. to raise the salaries of educators as the majority of the public has consistently stated so in various polls. Despite the fact the public is concerned about the living standards of teachers and the 40 states suffering through severe teacher shortages,...

Most Valuable Professional Development For Teachers
Listen Participating in professional development is of incredible importance for teachers. The field of education sees advancements and changes on a regular basis, and teachers want to know how to best serve their students. The type of professional development to pursue can certainly depend upon many factors, such as the...

Interview Tips for Teachers
Listen Education is one of the most dynamic fields of work today. Educators, and other school-related professionals, have the responsibility of keeping in touch with the latest philosophies, practices, and social changes that affect the American classroom. These major responsibilities require teachers that will go above and beyond their call.What...