
When a Teacher Should Be Fired
Teaching is one of the most fulfilling careers in the job market. The job has easy hours, and the pay is relatively good. There is also the fact that you feel really good about yourself when you can make some positive changes in your learners’ lives. However, to be a...

Do Teacher Unions Really Help?
A teacher’s union is designed to provide legal protection to teachers and other areas of support. Teachers may sometimes find themselves on the wrong end of the political spectrum. A teacher’s union bridges the gap between the interest of the teachers and conflicting politics. Organizations like a teacher’s union play an...

What To Expect In Your First Year as a Teacher
Congratulations! You finished college and began teaching. You passed the interview, and now you're ready for a rewarding career. Your first year as a teacher won't be perfect though. It will be filled with challenges and obstacles. You'll find yourself wondering if you got into the right career. You'll wonder what...

Should We Do Away With Tenure?
There is some debate around the topic of tenure. Supporters of tenure argue that tenure serves as an incentive for educators to work harder. Those in opposition of tenure argue that tenure makes it more difficult to dismiss an educator for inappropriate actions. The topic of tenure can be a complex...

5 Teacher Stories That Break Your Heart
Being a teacher is not for the faint of heart. It’s an important job to educate children, but it often comes with little pay and significant stress. Sure, teachers get flack for having summers off and long breaks at Christmas and in the springtime, but many bring work home that...

The Effect Of YouTube Kids on Education
There is no denying that we are living in a digital age, and that applies to adults as well as kids. Students are increasingly exposed to digital technology as part of every facet of their lives, which means that educators must decide whether to embrace or shy away from that...

Five Hilarious Stories from Educators
Educators see and experience a lot of unique things during their time in the classroom—to say the least! And while seriousness, focus, and a desire to exceed goals are important ingredients in the recipe for educational success, the reality of teaching—for many hours per day and during most days of...

The Future of the School Cafeteria
The past two decades have brought with them more fundamental changes and innovations to education—including teaching procedures and standards, teaching methods, progress benchmarks, and much else—than any other 20-year period in human history. Partly as a result of technological developments, partly as a result of a heightened awareness of the...

Can Teachers Be Assessed on Student Performance?
Of course teachers can be assessed on student performance! The question is what performances are going to be the measuring stick. Rightfully, teachers are very wary of being assessed at all. Teachers are wary because the means and methods of assessment of teaching that have been used traditionally and those...

Learning From The Education System in Other Countries
The United States could learn from the education system in other countries. Out of 40 other countries we place number 14. This is not acceptable for a country that claims to possess such a quality education system. The top ten educational systems are as follows:1. South Korea2. Japan3. Singapore4. Hong Kong5. Finland6....

How Chromebooks Have Changed The Classrooms
Intro – 2012 to 2019 - According to the Associated Press, in five years, Google Chromebooks have gone from being 9 percent of the mobile devices present in classrooms in the U.S. to having over a 49 percent mobile device market share in the classrooms in the U.S. How did that happen?...

How Hard Should Kids be Pushed in Curriculum
Sometimes, teachers are not clear on how hard to “push” students in the curriculum. Really, that is not the right question to ask. “Push” implies force. As educators, we need to help provide all of the scaffolding to help every student achieve and surpass the state standards. We need to...