
Current Practical Application for Models for Early Childhood Education
Listen Every day of the pandemic seems to create more questions and fewer answers on how to educate our youngest students. However, in their fear, worry, and caution, educators may be forgetting that there are some excellent models already in existence from which we can pull experiences and resources that...

The Questions of Remote Kindergarten
Listen Among the most vocal against remote learning have been the early childhood teachers - and with good reason. It’s very difficult to reconcile what we know about early childhood, young children, and learning outside the walls of the classroom with lessons based online, meeting in a chatroom for lessons,...

Blended Learning in the Secondary Classroom
Listen Secondary teachers have been experimenting with blended learning for a while now. “Flipped Classroom” has definitely been on buzzword lists for several years, but for most teachers, it is just another experimental, trendy practice that will hopefully go away soon like so many other fads that have come through...

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students - In the General Education Classroom
Listen Most students who are born with serious hearing impairments are identified as infants or when they are very young. By the time they enter the general education classroom, they’ve got an I.E.P with accommodations., assistance as needed, and a support system in place. However, if you’re teaching a student...

How Administrators Can Help Prepare Teachers for Blended Learning, Pt. 2
Listen Remember, one positive that can come out of this bleak and trying time is a fundamental shift in the structure of formal education across the board. Now is the time to move forward into what we all know is the right way to teach. Here are a few more...

How Administrators Can Help Prepare Teachers for Blended Learning, Pt. 1
Listen Educators are all over the spectrum when it comes to how they feel about the changes facing schools in light of the current pandemic with its indefinite timeline. Some are excited about the shift to a blended learning model, considering it long overdue. Others acknowledge that it is good,...

Elementary Remote Blended Learning
Listen This is the third article in this series, so if you haven’t read the other two about what blended learning is and what it looks like in the classroom, you may want to scan that before continuing. Blended learning in the classroom and blended learning remotely can look very...

Troubleshooting for Elementary Blended Learning in the Classroom
Listen In our last article, we explored what blended learning looks like in the elementary classroom setting. Because blended learning is used a lot more in the late elementary and secondary settings, there are some “kinks” to be worked out. Here are some suggestions on ways to do that. All...

Elementary Classroom-Based Blended Learning
Listen There are many more resources available for blended learning in the secondary classroom, and the idea of blended learning is, on the whole, a bit of a different challenge for elementary teachers because so much of it relies on technology. Remote aspects of blended learning are even more complicated,...

Being OK with Being Cautious
Listen It goes without saying that everyone is ready for things to go back to normal, but many scientists are predicting that normal may be as much as a few years away. Some cultural norms are likely to be changing or disappearing for good. The economic repercussions will stretch out...

Preparing Students to Re-Enter Society
Listen Recently, one of our writers was sharing a personal experience they’d had right after college. The writer spent the summer in a third-world country teaching reading, and upon returning to the United States, had a severely overwhelming few weeks getting used to being back. For example, grocery shopping was...

Teachers’ Concerns About Returning to School
Listen In a previous post we explored how other countries are coping with reopening schools, but teachers around the globe have so many practical questions and concerns regarding the implications of reopening when there are still so many unknowns about this virus. Many teachers feel left out as the decisions...