1. On April 15, 1817, the first steam-powered mill in Connecticut was established in Manchester. The mill used steam engines to power spinning frames and carding machines, revolutionizing the textile industry in the state.
2. In 1865, President Abraham Lincoln's body was brought through Connecticut on its way to his final resting place in Springfield, Illinois. The train passed through Hartford on April 15 as thousands of mourners paid their respects.
3. The iconic Yale Bowl in New Haven was dedicated on April 15, 1914. The stadium, which can seat over 60,000 people, has hosted numerous college football games, concerts, and other events over the years.
4. On April 15, 1955, Ray Brown became the first African American police officer in New Haven. Brown joined the force after serving in the U.S. Army, and went on to become a beloved member of the city's law enforcement community.
5. The Mystic River Bascule Bridge in Stonington celebrated its 100th birthday on April 15, 2009. The bridge, which spans the Mystic River and connects Stonington to Groton, is still in use today and is a popular tourist attraction in the area.
5 Fun Facts About April 15 In Connecticut History
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