1. 1864 - Battle of Folck’s Mill: A Civil War skirmish took place near Beverly, WV. Confederate forces led by Gen. Bradley Johnson attacked Union army troops under Col. David T. Webster. The Union forces were able to hold the Confederate attack and ended up pushing them back.
2. 1925 - Trial of John T. Scopes: Also known as the Scopes Monkey Trial, this was a landmark legal case in which a high school teacher, John T. Scopes, was accused of violating Tennessee's Butler Act. The law prohibited the teaching of evolution in schools. The trial was seen as a battle between religious fundamentalism and progressive values. The town of Dayton, TN was chosen as the location for the trial, but it was covered extensively by the national press.
3. 1932 - Presidential Candidate Franklin D. Roosevelt Visits West Virginia: While traveling on his campaign for President, Roosevelt visited the small town of St. Albans, WV. He spoke about his plans to help support workers, give relief to struggling families, invest in infrastructure and restore the economy. Roosevelt went on to win the presidency that year.
4. 1963 - Scary Creek Tunnel Opens: The Scary Creek Tunnel was the first vehicular tunnel in the state of West Virginia. It is located near Charleston, WV and created the final link to complete I-64.
5. 2018 - Governor Competition Ends: After several heated debates and a closely watched primary race, West Virginia elected former businessman Jim Justice as Governor. Justice, a billionaire coal magnate, won the state's gubernatorial race in 2016 as a Democrat, but switched to the Republican Party in 2017. He ran in the Republican primary against five other candidates, including incumbent Governor Earl Ray Tomblin, and won with 51% of the vote.
5 Fun Facts About August 11 In West Virginia History
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