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5 Fun Facts About August 4 In New York History

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1. In 1892, Andrew and Abby Borden were brutally murdered in their home in Fall River, Massachusetts, and their daughter Lizzie Borden was arrested and charged with their murders. The case gained national attention and became known as the "Lizzie Borden axe murders."

2. In 1914, Germany declared war on Belgium, marking the beginning of World War I. The conflict would eventually lead to the involvement of the United States and its entry into the war in 1917.

3. In 2007, Barry Bonds of the San Francisco Giants broke Hank Aaron's long-standing record for career home runs in Major League Baseball with his 756th home run. The feat was marred by controversy over accusations of steroid use.

4. In 1972, the music festival known as the "Concert for Bangladesh" was held at Madison Square Garden in New York City. The event was organized by former Beatle George Harrison and featured performances by Harrison, Bob Dylan, Eric Clapton, and other famous musicians.

5. In 1790, the United States Census began, with the first census takers visiting households in New York City. The census was ordered by Congress to help determine the country's population and to allocate resources and representation in government.
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