1. Louisiana secedes from the United States: On December 19, 1860, Louisiana became the sixth state to secede from the United States due to disagreements over the issue of slavery.
2. Jean Lafitte returns to Louisiana: In 1814, pirate and privateer Jean Lafitte returned to Louisiana from Jamaica with a fleet of ships to help defend New Orleans against the British during the War of 1812.
3. Baton Rouge becomes state capital: On December 19, 1848, the Louisiana state capital was moved from New Orleans to Baton Rouge, where it has remained ever since.
4. Louisiana Purchase finalized: On December 19, 1803, the Louisiana Purchase was officially finalized, with the United States taking possession of approximately 827,000 square miles of territory from France. This acquisition more than doubled the size of the United States at the time.
5. Louisiana State University founded: On December 19, 1856, Louisiana State University (LSU) was founded in Baton Rouge. Today, it is a major public research university and one of the largest institutions of higher education in the state.
5 Fun Facts About December 19 In Louisiana History
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