1. On December 21, 1846, the first rail service began in Texas, with a line connecting Harrisburg and Stafford.
2. The Texas Gulf Sulphur Company was established on December 21, 1909, which would go on to become one of the largest sulfur mining operations in the world.
3. On December 21, 1935, the first recorded tornado outbreak occurred in Texas during the winter months, resulting in the deaths of 12 people.
4. In 1970, the Texas A&M Bonfire tragedy occurred on December 21, when a 40-foot tall bonfire collapsed, killing 12 students and injuring 27 others.
5. On December 21, 2012, the controversial "Mayan Apocalypse" prophesied to occur on this date was met with anticipation and skepticism, but ultimately nothing out of the ordinary occurred in Texas or elsewhere.
5 Fun Facts About December 21 In Texas History
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