1. Idaho's First Newspaper Edition Was Published on December 23, 1864
The Idaho Statesman, the oldest newspaper in Idaho, was first published on December 23, 1864 in Boise. The newspaper was initially called the Idaho Tri-weekly Statesman, and it served as the official voice of the Idaho Republican Party.
2. Silver City Was Founded on December 23, 1863
Silver City, a historic mining town in southwestern Idaho, was founded on December 23, 1863. In its heyday, the town had a population of around 2,500 people and was known for its silver mines. Today, Silver City is a popular tourist destination and is home to several historic buildings and attractions.
3. Boise Was Designated the State Capital on December 23, 1864
On December 23, 1864, the Idaho Territorial Legislature officially designated Boise as the state capital of Idaho. Boise was chosen over several other towns, including Lewiston and Idaho City, due to its central location and abundant natural resources.
4. Japanese-Americans Were Forced to Leave Idaho on December 23, 1942
On December 23, 1942, the U.S. government began forcibly relocating Japanese-Americans from Idaho and other Western states to internment camps. Over 2,000 Japanese-Americans from Idaho were sent to camps in California and other states. This was a dark chapter in Idaho's history, and many Japanese-Americans lost their homes, businesses, and personal possessions as a result.
5. The Sun Valley Ski Resort Was Established on December 23, 1936
On December 23, 1936, the Sun Valley ski resort was officially established in central Idaho. Sun Valley was one of the first destination ski resorts in the United States and quickly gained popularity among wealthy travelers. Today, Sun Valley is still a popular ski destination and is known for its beautiful scenery and excellent skiing conditions.
5 Fun Facts About December 23 In Idaho History
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