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5 Fun Facts About December 30 In South Carolina History

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1. South Carolina Seceded from the Union: December 30, 1860 marks the day that South Carolina officially seceded from the United States, following the election of Abraham Lincoln as President. This decision ultimately led to the formation of the Confederate States of America and the start of the Civil War.

2. Strom Thurmond's Birthday: December 30, 1902 is the birthdate of Strom Thurmond, who served as the Governor of South Carolina and later as a Senator for over 47 years. He was an influential figure in the Civil Rights era and ran as a third-party candidate for President in 1948, sparking controversy with his segregationist views.

3. Charleston Earthquake: On December 30, 1886, a 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck Charleston, South Carolina, causing extensive damage to the city and resulting in over 100 fatalities. It remains one of the most destructive earthquakes in US history, and many of the historic buildings in Charleston still bear scars from the quake.

4. The Rise of the Charleston Jazz Scene: The Charleston Renaissance, a period of cultural and artistic growth in the early 20th century, saw the emergence of the city's jazz scene. On December 30, 1919, the Jenkins Orphanage Band, made up of young African American musicians, performed for the first time on a national stage, sparking national interest in the Charleston jazz sound.

5. Newberry College Founded: December 30, 1856 marks the founding of Newberry College, a private liberal arts college located in Newberry, South Carolina. It has a rich history and is known for its dedication to student-oriented learning and community service.
  • Tags: SC

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