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5 Fun Facts About February 25 In North Carolina History

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1. On February 25, 1775, a group of Patriots in North Carolina gathered in Mecklenburg County to declare independence from Great Britain. Although the authenticity of the document known as the "Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence" has been disputed, it remains an important symbol of North Carolina's revolutionary spirit.

2. In 1924, the North Carolina State Board of Health issued a proclamation that February 25 would be designated as "Baby Health Day." The purpose of the initiative was to raise awareness about infant and child health issues, including the importance of vaccination, proper nutrition, and hygiene.

3. On February 25, 1960, the Greensboro Four--four African American college students--began a sit-in protest at a Woolworth's lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina. The demonstration sparked a wave of similar protests across the country and helped to galvanize the Civil Rights Movement.

4. In 1987, the North Carolina Zoo announced the birth of a rare red wolf pup. The puppy, named M182, was the first successful breeding of red wolves in captivity and helped to bolster the population of this endangered species.

5. On February 25, 2015, a federal judge ruled that North Carolina's ban on same-sex marriage was unconstitutional, paving the way for legal recognition of same-sex marriage in the state. The ruling was part of a larger wave of court decisions that ultimately led to the Supreme Court's landmark marriage equality decision in 2015.
  • Tags: NC

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