1. Leap Year Proposal: On February 29, 1888, a young woman named Lilly Hawkins proposed to her boyfriend, John Wells, in Raleigh. This Leap Year proposal was a rare occurrence in the late 1800s, when it was considered taboo for women to propose to men. However, Wells accepted and the couple married later that year.
2. North Carolina Statehood: February 29, 1788, is also a significant date in North Carolina history, as it was the day the state ratified the United States Constitution and officially became the 12th state in the Union.
3. Leap Year Daycare: In 2016, a daycare in Charlotte celebrated Leap Year by offering a special discount of 29% off to parents who enrolled their children on February 29th. The promotion was a hit, and the daycare received a lot of positive attention on social media.
4. Leap Year Babies: North Carolina is home to many people who were born on February 29th, also known as "Leap Year Babies." These individuals only celebrate their actual birthday once every four years, making their birthdays a unique and special occasion.
5. Leap Frog Capital: The town of Raynham in North Carolina is known as the "Leap Frog Capital of the World." The town hosts an annual festival in which participants attempt to break the world record for the most people simultaneously playing leap frog. The festival also features a parade and other fun activities for families.
5 Fun Facts About February 29 In North Carolina History
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