1. Vermont Becomes the 14th State: On February 4, 1791, Vermont officially became the 14th state to join the United States. Prior to this, Vermont had been an independent republic for 14 years.
2. The First Ski Tow in America: On February 4, 1934, the first ski tow in America opened in Woodstock, Vermont. Known as the "Snow Trains," they were powered by Model A engines and pulled skiers up the hill.
3. The Flood of 1992: On February 4, 1992, Vermont experienced a major flood caused by heavy rainfall and ice jams. The flood caused over $60 million in damages and resulted in one death.
4. The Birthplace of John Deere: John Deere, the founder of Deere & Company, was born in Rutland, Vermont on February 4, 1804. His invention of the first commercially successful steel plow revolutionized the farming industry.
5. The Battle of Bennington Memorial: The Battle of Bennington, a significant American Revolutionary War battle, is commemorated with a memorial in Old Bennington, Vermont. The memorial ceremony takes place every year on February 4.
5 Fun Facts About February 4 In Vermont History
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