1. On January 28, 1779, Brigadier General James Hogun, a revolutionary war veteran of the Battle of Guilford Courthouse, died in Philadelphia. He was born in Ireland but served in the Continental Army and was a respected leader in North Carolina.
2. In 1891, the North Carolina General Assembly passed a bill to create a state network of public schools. This was a significant reform for the state at the time and established an essential framework for education throughout North Carolina.
3. On January 28, 1912, the State Supreme Court of North Carolina upheld the constitutionality of the first state law requiring all children between the ages of 8 and 12 to attend school. This decision paved the way for compulsory education in North Carolina and demonstrated a commitment to ensuring a basic education for all children.
4. In 1949, North Carolina Governor Kerr Scott announced his legislative program, which included reforms such as increasing teacher salaries, improving public health and sanitation, and expanding rural electrification. This program was a significant step forward for North Carolina in terms of progressive policies.
5. On January 28, 1969, the North Carolina Board of Education voted to abolish segregation in public schools. This decision was made in compliance with the United States Supreme Court's ruling in Brown v. Board of Education and was a crucial milestone in the fight for civil rights in North Carolina.
5 Fun Facts About January 28 In North Carolina History
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