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5 Fun Facts About January 30 In Maryland History

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1. In 1649, the Maryland Toleration Act was passed, which granted religious freedom to all Christians living in the colony. This was one of the earliest enactments of religious tolerance in colonial America.

2. On January 30, 1777, the Continental Army under General George Washington defeated the British at the Battle of Millstone in New Jersey. Many soldiers from Maryland served in the Continental Army during the American Revolution, including the famous Maryland 400.

3. Elizabeth Seton, the first American-born saint, was born in New York City on January 30, 1774. However, she spent a significant portion of her life in Maryland and is buried in Emmitsburg, where she founded the first Catholic girls' school in the United States.

4. In 1848, Maryland ratified the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, officially ending the Mexican-American War. As part of the treaty, Mexico ceded much of what is now the American Southwest to the United States.

5. On January 30, 1897, the Pimlico Race Course opened in Baltimore, Maryland. It is home to the Preakness Stakes, the second leg of the Triple Crown of Thoroughbred Racing. The inaugural Preakness Stakes was held at Pimlico on May 27, 1873.
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