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5 Fun Facts About January 7 In Rhode Island History

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1. The First Baptist Church of America was founded in Providence on January 7, 1639. It was the first Baptist congregation to be established in America and was instrumental in promoting religious freedom and tolerance in Rhode Island.

2. January 7, 1783, marked the end of British occupation of Newport during the American Revolution. The town suffered significant damage and looting during the occupation but was able to rebound in the following years.

3. On January 7, 1914, the Rhode Island General Assembly passed the first minimum wage law in the United States. The law required that women and children be paid a minimum of $0.16 per hour and men be paid a minimum of $0.25 per hour.

4. The Rhode Island State House was officially dedicated on January 7, 1901. The building, which features the world's fourth-largest self-supporting marble dome, was designed by the renowned architectural firm McKim, Mead, and White.

5. On January 7, 1977, the last execution in Rhode Island took place. John Gordon was convicted of the murder of his girlfriend and was executed by lethal injection. Rhode Island abolished the death penalty in 1984.
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