1. On March 19, 1846, the United States declared war on Mexico. This led to the Mexican-American War, which greatly impacted New Mexico and other territories in the southwest.
2. In 1883, the University of New Mexico was founded in Albuquerque. The university has since become a major educational and cultural institution in the state.
3. On March 19, 1905, the New Mexico Territorial Legislature passed a law allowing women to serve on juries. This was a significant step towards women's rights in the state.
4. In 1963, the Valles Caldera National Preserve was established. The preserve covers over 89,000 acres and is home to a diverse range of plants and animals.
5. On March 19, 2009, the New Mexico State Legislature passed a bill legalizing domestic partnerships for same-sex couples. This was a major milestone for LGBTQ+ rights in the state.
5 Fun Facts About March 19 In New Mexico History
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