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5 Fun Facts About March 2 In West Virginia History

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1. On March 2, 1867, West Virginia became the first state to regulate the practice of medicine by establishing a medical board. This board is responsible for licensing doctors and ensuring that they meet educational and professional standards. Today, the West Virginia Board of Medicine continues to protect the public by enforcing high standards of medical practice.

2. In 1903, on March 2, the first automobile speed limit in the United States was established in West Virginia. The limit was set at 15 miles per hour in cities and towns and 20 miles per hour on country roads. This was done in response to concerns about the safety of the new technology, which was causing an increasing number of accidents on the state's roads.

3. On March 2, 1927, West Virginia's famous Flatwoods Monster was reportedly first sighted near the town of Flatwoods. This mysterious creature was described as being over 10 feet tall with a glowing green body and a single red eye. Although there have been multiple sightings and investigations over the years, the true identity of the Flatwoods Monster remains a mystery.

4. On March 2, 1933, a massive explosion occurred at the New River Coal Company's Number 5 mine in Fayette County, killing 31 miners. This tragic event was then followed by a series of labor strikes and protests across the state, as workers demanded safer working conditions and better wages.

5. In 1967, on March 2, the West Virginia Legislature passed the Historic Landmarks Preservation Act, which established a state-wide program to identify, evaluate, and protect historic buildings and structures. The program has since helped to preserve many of West Virginia's historic landmarks, including the State Capitol building in Charleston, the Harpers Ferry National Historical Park, and the historic homes on the West Virginia Independence Hall site in Wheeling.
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