1. Vermont Abolished Slavery in 1777 - This day marked the passing of Vermont's first Constitution, which prohibited adult slavery, making it the first state in America to do so.
2. The Vermont-Quebec Border Treaty was Established in 1783 - After years of disputes, the Treaty of Paris settled the boundary disputes and established the present-day border between Quebec and Vermont.
3. First Highway Toll System was Established in 1956 - Vermont established its first toll highway, the Vermont Turnpike, in 1956. It was a way of raising revenue for the construction of Interstate 89.
4. Vermont's First Commercial Radio Station Went on Air in 1923 - In Burlington, Vermont's first commercial radio station, WCAX, went live, broadcasting local news and music to listeners in the northwest region of the state.
5. The Vermont State Hospital Was Established in 1890 - Vermont State Hospital was established as a residential psychiatric hospital, providing care and treatment for people with mental health issues. It was located in Waterbury, Vermont, and remained in operation until its closure in 2011 due to damage caused by Hurricane Irene.
5 Fun Facts About March 27 In Vermont History
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