1. In 1950, the town of Huntersville officially incorporated. It was named after major landowner Robert Boston Hunter and had a population of around 300 at the time of incorporation. Today, Huntersville is a rapidly growing suburb of Charlotte with a population of over 60,000.
2. On March 7, 1862, the ironclad CSS Virginia, also known as the Merrimack, engaged in a historic battle with the Union ironclad USS Monitor in the waters off Hampton Roads, Virginia. The battle marked the first time two ironclad warships had engaged in combat and is considered a turning point in naval warfare. The CSS Virginia was built in Norfolk, Virginia, which was then part of North Carolina.
3. On March 7, 1908, Greensboro College for Women (now Greensboro College) was chartered. The college was founded by the Methodist Church and became the first four-year college for women in North Carolina. Today, Greensboro College is a co-educational institution with a focus on liberal arts education.
4. In 1911, the state of North Carolina purchased Roanoke Island as a state park, making it the first state-owned park in the country. Roanoke Island is located off the coast of North Carolina and is known for its natural beauty and historical significance. The park is now part of the larger Outer Banks region, which is a popular tourist destination.
5. In 1983, Terry Sanford was inaugurated as the president of Duke University. Sanford was a former governor of North Carolina and a prominent figure in the Democratic Party. He served as president of Duke until 1993 and is credited with helping to raise the university's national profile and improve its endowment. Today, Duke University is consistently ranked as one of the top universities in the country.
5 Fun Facts About March 7 In North Carolina History
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