1. On March 9, 1862, the famous Civil War battle of Nashville took place. Union forces under General Buell defeated Confederate forces under General Johnston, leading to Union control of Nashville for the remainder of the war.
2. Tennessee Governor William G. Brownlow signed the state's first compulsory education law on March 9, 1870. The law required all children between the ages of six and eighteen to attend school for at least four months out of the year.
3. The Tennessee State Capitol building was completed on March 9, 1859, after several years of construction. The building, located in downtown Nashville, remains a prominent symbol of the state's history and government.
4. On March 9, 1918, the first shipment of official Tennessee State Flags was delivered to the state. The flag, designed by Colonel LeRoy Reeves of the Tennessee National Guard, features three stars representing the three grand divisions of the state.
5. President Andrew Jackson, a native of Tennessee, was born on March 15, but his life and legacy are celebrated throughout the state. On March 9, 1841, just two weeks after leaving office, Jackson returned to his home in Nashville to a hero's welcome from the people of Tennessee.
5 Fun Facts About March 9 In Tennessee History
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