1. On May 10, 1865, Confederate Brigadier General Stand Watie became the last Confederate general to surrender, effectively ending the Civil War in Indian Territory (present-day Oklahoma).
2. Texas marks Confederate Heroes Day on May 10 each year, a state holiday honoring the Confederate soldiers who fought in the Civil War.
3. On May 10, 1908, a devastating tornado struck the city of Laredo, Texas, killing 22 people and causing extensive damage to homes and businesses.
4. In 1933, Texas Governor Miriam “Ma” Ferguson approved the creation of the Texas Centennial Commission, which led to a year-long celebration of the state's 100th anniversary in 1936.
5. On May 10, 1996, two teenage students opened fire at their high school in the small town of Olney, Texas, injuring one student before being apprehended by authorities. The incident was one of several school shootings to occur in the United States during the 1990s.
5 Fun Facts About May 10 In Texas History
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