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5 Fun Facts About May 17 In Idaho History

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1. May 17, 1895 - The University of Idaho was founded.
On May 17, 1895, the state of Idaho officially founded the University of Idaho. The school was established in Moscow, Idaho and has since grown to become one of the state's premier higher education institutions.

2. May 17, 1909 - The Great Idaho Fire occurred.
On May 17, 1909, the Great Idaho Fire broke out and raged for three days, burning over three million acres of forest land. The fire was sparked by a lightning strike and was the largest fire in the state's history.

3. May 17, 1915 - A massive flood hit Pocatello.
On May 17, 1915, the city of Pocatello experienced a massive flood that caused extensive damage and destruction throughout the area. The flooding was caused by heavy rainfall and melted snow that overwhelmed the city's drainage system.

4. May 17, 1954 - The Idaho State Capitol was dedicated.
On May 17, 1954, the Idaho State Capitol building was officially dedicated in Boise. The building had been under construction since 1905 and represented a major milestone in the state's history.

5. May 17, 1999 - The Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory was named.
On May 17, 1999, the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory was officially renamed the Idaho National Laboratory. The facility is a major research center focused on energy and environmental science and is one of the state's largest employers.
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