1. On May 20, 1862, the Battle of Valverde took place near the town of Socorro, New Mexico. It was a Confederate victory in the American Civil War and marked the high point of Confederate territorial expansion in the West.
2. One of the deadliest tornado outbreaks in New Mexico history occurred on May 20, 1957. Over 25 tornadoes touched down across the state, killing 12 people and causing widespread destruction.
3. May 20, 1932 saw the birth of Mexican-American civil rights leader César Chávez in Yuma, Arizona. Chávez would go on to found the United Farm Workers union and become a leading advocate for Hispanic workers' rights.
4. On May 20, 2015, New Mexico became the first state to ban civil asset forfeiture without a criminal conviction. The law prohibits law enforcement agencies from seizing property without evidence of criminal wrongdoing.
5. In 1993, the New Mexico Museum of Natural History in Albuquerque opened a new exhibit showcasing the world's largest collection of dinosaur fossils. The exhibit includes over 100 complete skeletons and has since become a major tourist attraction.
5 Fun Facts About May 20 In New Mexico History
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