1. In 1869, the first transcontinental railroad was completed in Wyoming, when the Union Pacific and Central Pacific rail lines were joined together at Promontory Summit, Utah.
2. On May 20, 1977, a F3 tornado hit the small town of Pine Bluffs, Wyoming, causing significant damage and injuring several people. It was one of several tornadoes that hit the state during a severe weather outbreak on that day.
3. In 2010, a massive hailstorm struck the town of Wheatland, Wyoming, with hailstones as large as softballs reported. The storm caused significant damage to homes, buildings, and vehicles in the area.
4. On May 20, 1955, the first-ever high school rodeo was held in Wyoming, with students from several schools competing in events such as barrel racing, bronco riding, and calf roping.
5. In 1932, a group of miners in Rock Springs, Wyoming went on strike to demand better working conditions and higher wages. The strike turned violent when the company hired strikebreakers to replace the workers, leading to clashes between the two groups and the involvement of the Wyoming National Guard.
5 Fun Facts About May 20 In Wyoming History
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