1. In 1892, the Idaho National Guard was officially established by the Idaho State Legislature. Today, it is the oldest Idaho military organization still in existence.
2. In 1927, Charles Lindbergh made a stopover in Boise during his historic solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean. Thousands of people crowded the airport to catch a glimpse of the famous aviator.
3. May 21, 1947 marked the opening of the Sun Valley Resort, a luxury ski resort located in the mountains of central Idaho. It was created by railroad magnate W. Averell Harriman in an effort to boost passenger traffic on his Union Pacific Railroad line.
4. In 1961, the United States Atomic Energy Commission announced plans to establish a nuclear-powered aircraft testing facility near Idaho Falls. The project was ultimately scrapped due to safety concerns.
5. May 21, 1992 saw the opening of the Morrison-Knudsen Nature Center in Boise. The center is dedicated to educating visitors about the natural history and wildlife of the Boise River watershed.
5 Fun Facts About May 21 In Idaho History
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