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5 Fun Facts About May 23 In New Hampshire History

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1. In 1868, New Hampshire was the ninth state to ratify the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution, which granted citizenship and equal protection under the law to all people born or naturalized in the United States, including former slaves.

2. On May 23, 1903, the New Hampshire State Federation of Women's Clubs was founded in Manchester. The organization, which is still active today, advocates for social and civic issues and supports various charitable causes.

3. In 1978, New Hampshire became the first state in the nation to hold a presidential primary election. The primary is held on the second Tuesday in February, and has become a tradition for candidates seeking the presidential nomination from both major political parties.

4. On May 23, 1980, the Mount St. Helens volcanic eruption took place in Washington state, sending ash and debris as far east as New Hampshire. The eruption caused significant damage to infrastructure and the environment, and resulted in the deaths of 57 people.

5. In 2019, a federal court in New Hampshire ruled that the state's "signature match" law, which allows absentee ballots to be rejected if the signature on the ballot does not match the signature on file, is unconstitutional. The ruling has important implications for voting rights and election integrity in New Hampshire and beyond.
  • Tags: NH

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