1. November 4, 1890, marked the day North Dakota officially became a state. The statehood was granted by President Benjamin Harrison, and North Dakota became the 39th state in the union.
2. Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States, traveled to North Dakota on November 4, 1910, to attend the dedication ceremony for Roosevelt Park in Minot. The park was named after him in honor of his contributions to the conservation of natural resources.
3. November 4, 1924, is the day when North Dakota held its first statewide election in which women were allowed to vote. Women's suffrage had been granted in North Dakota in 1917, but this was the first election in which they had the opportunity to exercise their right to vote in the entire state.
4. On November 4, 1930, the world's largest oil well at that time was discovered in North Dakota near Tioga. The well, known as the Clarence Iverson No. 1, produced 6,000 barrels of oil per day for several years and was instrumental in boosting the North Dakota economy during the Great Depression.
5. North Dakota Governor George Sinner proclaimed November 4, 1988, as "Kathy Kozachenko Day" in honor of the first openly gay elected official in the United States. Kozachenko was elected to the Ann Arbor City Council in Michigan in 1974, and her election was considered a milestone for the LGBTQ+ community. She was originally from Fargo, North Dakota.
5 Fun Facts About November 4 In North Dakota History
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