1. Montana became a state on November 8, 1889, but on October 10 of that year, President Benjamin Harrison signed the Enabling Act, which allowed Montana to draft a constitution and apply for statehood.
2. On October 10, 1963, Jeannette Rankin Day was first observed in Montana. Rankin, a Montana native and the first woman to serve in Congress, was a leading suffragist and pacifist who opposed both World War I and II.
3. The Montana State Prison Riots, one of the deadliest prison riots in U.S. history, began on October 10, 1959. Over the course of two days, inmate unrest and violence led to multiple deaths and extensive damage to the facility.
4. In 1983, the state's first-ever gubernatorial debate was held on October 10. The debate was between Republican Governor Ted Schwinden and his Democratic challenger, Tim Babcock. Schwinden won re-election in a landslide.
5. On October 10, 1907, the Anaconda Copper Mining Company, one of Montana's largest employers and economic engines, was incorporated. The company played a significant role in the state's mining industry until it closed operations in 1980.
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