1. In 1903, the first state fair in Oklahoma opened in Oklahoma City. It was originally named the "Territorial Fair" and featured agricultural exhibits, livestock competitions, and carnival rides.
2. On October 15, 1924, the first airplane rodeo was held in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Pilots from around the country competed in aerial stunts and maneuvers, drawing large crowds and the attention of aviation enthusiasts.
3. In 1946, Oklahoma State University played its first football game against the University of Tulsa. The game, which ended in a 0-0 tie, marked the beginning of a long-standing college football rivalry between the two schools.
4. On October 15, 1954, the state of Oklahoma officially adopted the state flag. The flag features a traditional Osage warrior shield outlined in white and adorned with eagle feathers and six white crosses, which symbolize the combination of the six tribes that make up Oklahoma's Native American population.
5. In 1978, Woody Guthrie, a celebrated folk singer and social commentator, was posthumously inducted into the Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame on October 15. Guthrie, who was born in Oklahoma, wrote hundreds of songs that have become part of the American folk music canon, including "This Land Is Your Land."
5 Fun Facts About October 15 In Oklahoma History
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