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5 Fun Facts About October 2 In District Of Columbia History

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1. On October 2, 1950, the FBI arrested Julius and Ethel Rosenberg at their home in New York on charges of espionage for passing atomic secrets to the Soviet Union. The couple was eventually convicted and executed in 1953.
2. In 1961, President John F. Kennedy proclaimed October 2 as National Farm Safety Day, urging Americans to take action to reduce accidents and injuries on farms and in rural areas.
3. On October 2, 1977, Jimmy Carter signed a treaty that would eventually hand over control of the Panama Canal to Panama. The treaty was controversial and faced opposition from some politicians and the public, but ultimately passed and was implemented in 1999.
4. In 2013, the United States government shutdown began on October 2 due to disagreements over the federal budget and health care reform. The shutdown lasted for 16 days and had significant impacts on government services and the economy.
5. October 2 is also recognized as Mahatma Gandhi's birthday, a national holiday in India. Gandhi was a civil rights leader and advocate for non-violent resistance who played a major role in India's independence from British rule.
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