1. In 1842, the Armed Occupation Act was signed into law by President John Tyler, which offered 160 acres of land in Florida to individuals and families who were willing to live on and defend the property against hostile Native American tribes. This act played a significant role in the settlement and development of Florida.
2. In 1962, President John F. Kennedy visited Miami, Florida to speak at a rally in support of the Democratic Party. This speech would become famously known as the "Miami Speech," in which Kennedy spoke on issues such as communism, civil rights, and the economy.
3. In 1979, Hurricane David made landfall in Palm Beach County, Florida as a Category 2 hurricane with winds of 100 mph. The hurricane caused significant damage and was responsible for several deaths.
4. In 2005, the city of Key West, Florida celebrated the 23rd annual Fantasy Fest, a 10-day festival featuring costume parties, parades, and other events. The festival draws thousands of tourists to the area each year.
5. In 2011, the Florida Marlins hired Ozzie Guillen as their new manager, replacing Edwin Rodriguez. Guillen, who had previously managed the Chicago White Sox, led the Marlins to a disappointing 69-93 record in his only season with the team.
5 Fun Facts About October 22 In Florida History
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