1. On October 4, 1824, the Santa Fe Trail officially opened as an established trade route between Missouri and Santa Fe. This helped spur economic growth in New Mexico and opened up opportunities for entrepreneurs and traders.
2. In 1862, during the Civil War, the Battle of Valverde took place near Fort Craig, just south of Socorro. This was one of the largest battles in New Mexico's history, with Confederate forces led by General Henry Sibley attacking Union troops. The Confederates ultimately won the battle, but suffered heavy losses.
3. On October 4, 1910, New Mexico declared statehood and became the 47th state in the United States. This marked a significant moment in New Mexico's history, ending its years as a territory and granting it full representation in the federal government.
4. In 1967, an accidental explosion at the Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque killed two people and injured over 20 others. The explosion, which occurred during a rocket fueling operation, caused significant damage to nearby buildings and prompted calls for increased safety measures.
5. On October 4, 2004, the first commercial space flight took place at Spaceport America, located in New Mexico's southern desert. The flight was carried out by the private company Scaled Composites, and marked a significant step forward in the development of the space tourism industry.
5 Fun Facts About October 4 In New Mexico History
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