1. In 1823, the Leidesdorff Party, a group of African American emigrants led by William Alexander Leidesdorff, arrived in Yerba Buena (now San Francisco). Leidesdorff would go on to become one of the wealthiest men in California during the Gold Rush era.
2. In 1855, the San Francisco Vigilance Movement executed two men accused of murder and robbery. The movement, formed in response to perceived corruption and lawlessness in the city, conducted several extrajudicial executions before disbanding in 1856.
3. In 1871, the Great Chicago Fire broke out, which led to widespread devastation and the deaths of hundreds of people. The incident had a significant impact on California, as many of the people displaced by the fire migrated to the West Coast.
4. In 1940, singer and guitarist John Lennon was born in Liverpool, England. Lennon would go on to achieve worldwide fame as a member of the Beatles, and he spent time living in California during the 1970s.
5. In 1989, the Loma Prieta earthquake struck the Bay Area, causing widespread damage and claiming the lives of 63 people. The earthquake occurred during game 3 of the World Series, which resulted in a 10-day delay to the event.
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