1. John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry: On October 9, 1859, abolitionist John Brown led a raid on the federal armory at Harper's Ferry with the goal of arming slaves and starting a slave rebellion. The raid failed, with Brown being captured and later executed, but it intensified tensions leading up to the Civil War.
2. West Virginia becomes a state: On October 9, 1861, the western counties of Virginia chose to secede from the Confederate state and form the state of West Virginia, which was admitted to the Union on June 20, 1863.
3. Hawks Nest Tunnel Disaster: On October 9, 1931, an explosion occurred in the construction of the Hawks Nest Tunnel, a large hydroelectric project in Fayette County. The incident resulted in the deaths of hundreds of workers due to silicosis, a lung disease caused by exposure to silica dust.
4. First Female Governor: On October 9, 1984, Democratic candidate Martha Layne Collins was elected as the first female governor of Kentucky, which borders West Virginia.
5. Coal Mine Disaster: On October 9, 2000, thirteen coal miners were killed in an explosion at the Martin County Coal Corporation's underground mine near Inez, Kentucky, which is located just across the border from West Virginia. The disaster led to increased scrutiny of safety standards in the mining industry.
5 Fun Facts About October 9 In West Virginia History
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