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5 Fun Facts About September 16 In Washington History

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1. Founding of Tacoma: September 16, 1864, marks the official founding of the city of Tacoma, located in Pierce County. It was named after Mount Rainier, previously known as Mount Tahoma, which can be seen from the city on a clear day.

2. National Mall opens: On September 16, 1982, the National Mall was officially reopened to the public after undergoing extensive renovations. The National Mall is a landscaped park area in the center of Washington D.C. that stretches from the Lincoln Memorial to the United States Capitol.

3. Declaration of Independence signed: Although the iconic document was signed on July 4, 1776, the engrossed copy, which is the one currently on display at the National Archives, was signed on September 16 of that year.

4. Walter Johnson's record-breaking win: On September 16, 1912, pitcher Walter Johnson of the Washington Senators set a new major league pitching record for the most wins in a season with his 28th victory.

5. World War II draft registration: September 16, 1940, marked the first peacetime draft registration in U.S. history. The Selective Training and Service Act required all men between the ages of 21 and 35 to register for the draft, in anticipation of U.S. involvement in World War II.
  • Tags: WA

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