1) September 4, 2005: Hurricane Katrina made landfall in Louisiana causing widespread destruction and flooding. The storm caused over 1,800 fatalities and is considered one of the costliest natural disasters in US history.
2) September 4, 1882: The first Labor Day parade was held in New York City, which eventually became a federal holiday in 1894 to honor the contributions of American workers. Louisiana celebrates the holiday along with other states on the first Monday of September.
3) September 4, 1951: Famed musician and Louisiana native Louis Armstrong performed at the first Newport Jazz Festival in Rhode Island. Armstrong was born and raised in New Orleans and is considered one of the most influential jazz artists of all time.
4) September 4, 1983: Louisiana State University (LSU) defeated the University of Texas in a historic football game that became known as the "Hundred-Year War." The two teams had not played each other on the football field in over 20 years, and the game was highly anticipated by fans of both schools.
5) September 4, 1805: Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, leaders of the famous Lewis and Clark Expedition, reached the mouth of the Yellowstone River in present-day Montana. The expedition had set out from St. Louis, Missouri in 1804 and eventually reached the Pacific Ocean, mapping and documenting the western frontier of the United States.
5 Fun Facts About September 4 In Louisiana History
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