Can you tell us about yourself?
"Hello, my name is Emily Salie. I teach at Leonard Lawrence Elementary. I am a 6th Grade teacher and the building technology coordinator. Our school is located in Bellevue, NE just close to Offutt Air-force Base. I have spent 11 years at Leonard Lawrence, 13 overall."
Why did you start a career in education?
"I chose to go into the education profession because I love helping people and kids are great. No day is the same. So, it has just made for an exciting time."
If you could have any other job what would it be and why?
"If I could have any other job I would say I would probably be a traveling photographer just cause traveling and I love nature based photography. Or something with sports med. because I am also a basketball coach."
How are kids different now than 30 years ago?
"How are kids different now versus 30 years ago? So, that would be when I first started school. I would definitely say that kids are exposed to more now; good or bad. They are exposed to a lot more at an early age. Definitely living in a world of technology. I don't think we had internet at my house til I was in middle school or high school. That definitely changes kids"
How is teaching different now than 30 years ago?
"As far as teaching goes, that's kind of the same thing. Teachers kind of have to keep up with it a little more now and kind of prepare students for stuff that might not even exist yet. Jobs that don't exist right now. So, you know we're teaching them some of the old school ways; multiplication and grammar and things like that. However, kids have devices that can help them with all that right away. So, we also have the extra challenge of trying to keep up with things and prepare them for things that we don't know are going to exist in 30 years."
What would you tell someone who wants to become a teacher?
"What would I tell someone right now that is thinking of becoming a teacher: do it. I know a lot of people deterred me and said things to me like I'm too smart to be a teacher, why would you waste yourself on becoming a teacher and I love it. It's a rigorous job. It's tough so be ready but if you're somebody that can love kids and show kids love every single day no matter what; it's for you. We need people like you. So, I would encourage them."
What is one thing you would change to help kids learn better?
"What is one thing I would change to help kids learn better? I would say probably to give all kids a more stable home. I know a lot of kids nowadays, and maybe it was true when I was back in school but there is just a lot more things going in homes and more mental psychological things that kids are carrying with them to school. They probably did when I was in school but I just see it more now. And also, just equal opportunity; no matter socioeconomic status, race, you know all that. I just wish all kids were kind of starting on the same level."