Can you tell us about yourself?
Hello. I am Kara Burke and I teach at George Caleb Bingham Middle School in Independence, Missouri. I am a technology teacher and this is my 15th year teaching.
Why did you start a career in education?
Why did I start a career in education? I really enjoy learning and I love to help others with it, and I really enjoy and get along with children.
If you could have any other job what would it be and why?
Well, if any other job, what would it be and why? I would either be an accountant or an engineer. Um, I love math and technology and I love building things.
How are kids different now than 30 years ago?
How are your kids different now than 30 years ago? There is so much more for kids to know and understand now and the amount of technology and how it's been integrated into our lives. Just in our regular schoolwork with doing papers online, doing projects, making videos, um, as a submission for students. So what they're learning has changed a lot. And, um, a lot of our focus on that has changed as far as we want to teach kids how to help themselves. Kids are still basically the same. They still get nervous. They still want to be accepted. They still want to know that people care for them. So in that respect, they have stayed the same over the years, 30 years ago.
How is Teaching different now than it was 30 years ago?
That would be because technology has really changed teaching just in the last 15 years. It's been, um, amazing going from a computer classroom that did not have the internet at all to having all of their assignments done virtually. And some of their assignments include video submissions and screencasts. It's changed a whole lot. Thanks to technology.
What would you tell someone who wants to become a teacher?
What would you tell someone right now that is thinking about becoming a teacher? I would suggest that they really think about what they want to go with their teaching, what they want to teach so that they can specialize in that area in college.
What would you change to help kids learn better?
What is one thing you would change to help kids learn better? Currently I would make it so that we were in school all the time. I think most students do better when they are in front of the teacher on a regular basis having that check-in, So that is one thing that I would like to do. The second thing that I would like to do to help them now is to work with families, to make sure that, um, space and time is set aside so that students can really focus on that virtual learning that we are having to do right now. Thank you.